The Duck Blind
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Delivery Info
Useful information about delivery and returns
You can purchase your items online and pick them up at our street store or ship them directly to your doorstep. Shipping is free on some orders. We use the best carriers in the business to make sure your orders get to you on time.
At the Secure Checkout page, you‘ll see the ordered item’s description, its price, and delivery time. Where available, you can also choose a faster delivery method for each item on your order for an additional fee. Delivery times vary depending on your selected delivery address, availability of your items, and the time of the day you place your order.
Contact Us
Our address
2307 S. Main St
Stuttgart, AR 72160
Open hours
Open Lunch: 11am-2pm Daily
Open Dinner: 5pm-9pm Mon-Thurs
Open Dinner: 5pm-10pm Fri & Sat